Cyrtonaias Tampicoensis

Palau 2013 5 Dollars Cyrtonaias Tampicoensis Silver Coin

Concho River Pearl, U.S. Texas.

The Concho River is a river in the U.S. state of Texas. Concho is Spanish for “shell”; the river was so named due to its abundance of freshwater mussels, such as the Tampico pearly mussel (Cyrtonaias tampicoensis).

Hernando de Ugarte y la Concha, Governor of New Mexico, dispatched an expedition from Santa Fe in 1650 led by Captain Diego del Castillo, to explore what is now north central Texas. The expedition reached the territory of the Tejas Indians, and reported finding pearls on the Concho River. The Diego de Guadalajara expedition was launched in 1654 to follow up on Castillo’s findings. The Spanish explored the river for the gem-quality purple to pink pearls produced by that species. The mussels were systematically harvested for only a short time because it was soon realized that the yield of pearls was too low for their harvest to be economically viable.

Key selling points

  • Third coin in award winning series
  • Hologram
  • Pearl inserted
  • Convex coin
  • Very limited mintage

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Article IDPW1303
Face Value5 Dollars
Weight25 g
Diameter38x30 mm
Mintage2000 pcs.
Scope of DeliveryCapsule, Box / Case, Certificate of Authenticity
Special FeaturesPearl insert, Hologram, Special Shape
Sold out at NumisCollect

Awarded 2nd place in Original Technology at Coin Constellation 2014

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